MSP201 Study Group

MSP201 is a series of study groups, aimed at PhD students and other academics interested in MSP topics. We typically choose a book on a topic that we want to learn, and read it together over the course of several months. Each week, one person is assigned a section of the book to read in advance, and presents it to the group. We aim to keep a rather informal atmosphere where questions and digressions from the audience are welcome. The study group usually happens in person, but we might occasionally set up a Zoom link upon request.

How to join? The study group is coordinated on SPLS Zulipchat, in the #UoS stream. Everyone is welcome to join and inquire about the current location and time of the 201, as well as vote on the choice of topic for the next edition!

Current study group

We are planning on reading the following book:

  • Sheaves in Geometry and Logic, S. MacLane, I. Moerdijk.

List of previous 201s

  • Spring 2023: Introduction to Homotopy Type Theory, E. Rijke [link].
  • Fall 2021: Initial Algebras, Terminal Coalgebras, and the Theory of Fixed Points of Functors, J. Adámek, S. Milius and L. Moss.
  • Spring 2021: Categorical Systems Theory, D. J. Meyers [link].
  • Fall 2020: Algebraic Theories: A Categorical Introduction to General Algebra, J. Adámek, J. Rosický and E. M. Vitale [link].
  • Spring 2020: A Course in Universal Algebra, S. Burris and H. P. Sankappanavar [link].